1031 Exchange - Triple Net Lease (NNN)

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Triple Net Lease

Have you been thinking about investing in Triple Net (NNN) leases but aren’t sure if it’s a good idea? You’ve come to the correct spot to discover and alleviate your concerns. When it comes to Triple Net leasing, a variety of factors must be examined, from word definitions and acronyms to benefits and downsides, as well as the many obligations that must be addressed by the various parties involved in such investments. All of these factors will be discussed in detail in this article, so keep reading to see if investing in Triple Net leases is a sensible financial move for you.

Triple Net Lease (NNN)

A triple net lease (triple-net or NNN) is a lease agreement in which the tenant or lessee agrees to pay all of the property’s expenses, including real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance. These costs are in addition to the rent and utilities. In contrast, in most commercial lease agreements, the landlord is responsible for some or all of these payments.
NNNs are only one type of commercial real estate net lease. A single net lease typically requires tenants to pay property taxes in addition to rent, whereas a double net lease typically includes property insurance.

Once you own your home, NNN investments are rather simple to handle. The key is to conduct market research, assess industry sector outlooks, identify top-performing tenant business models, check tenant credit profiles, and examine lease conditions. You can do it yourself or partner with specialists in the Net Lease industry, such as Investment.net

Triple Net Lease- Key points

  • The tenant agrees to pay property expenses such as real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance in addition to rent and utilities under a triple net lease (NNN).
  • Triple net leases are a common type of commercial real estate lease.
  • Triple net leases typically have lower rents because the tenant assumes ongoing expenses that would otherwise be the property owner’s responsibility.
  • A single net lease, in which the tenant pays property taxes, and a double net lease, in which the tenant pays both property taxes and property insurance, are two other types of net leases.
  • Because they provide low-risk, consistent income, triple net leased properties have become popular investment vehicles for investors.

Different types of real estate leases

Other than utilities and mortgage payments, the three major ongoing expenses associated with owning a property can be divided into three categories:

  • Taxation on real estate
  • Insurance for buildings
  • Maintenance

A gross lease is the most common type of lease used by residential landlords in real estate. Rent is paid in advance, and the landlord is responsible for all three categories of expenses listed above.

One or more of these expenses is the tenant’s responsibility in a net lease. The tenant is responsible for property taxes under a single net lease. A tenant is required to cover taxes and insurance under a double net lease. A triple net lease imposes all three obligations on the tenant.

Triple net lease characteristics

In general, triple net leases are most commonly used for freestanding commercial buildings with a single tenant, but they can also be used for other types of property. Triple net leases typically have an initial term of 10 years or more and frequently include rent increases.

Triple Net Leases: An Overview (NNN)

A net lease is a commercial real estate lease in which the tenant is responsible for paying a portion or all of the property’s taxes, fees, and maintenance costs.

If a property owner uses a triple net lease to lease out a building to a business, the tenant is responsible for paying the building’s property taxes, building insurance, and the cost of any maintenance or repairs the building may require during the lease term. Because the tenant is covering these costs, which would otherwise be the property owner’s responsibility, the rent charged in a triple net lease is typically lower than the rent charged in a standard lease agreement. The creditworthiness of the tenant determines the capitalization rate, which is used to calculate the lease amount.

Who can help you with 1031 Exchange?

Real estate agent — If you’re an experienced real estate professional, you might be able to sell and acquire the properties without the services of a real estate agent. However, most people should hire one, especially one specializing in 1031 exchange replacement properties.

Exchange facilitator — As previously stated, a 1031 exchange cannot be completed totally on your own. To make the transaction go well, you’ll need an intermediary.

Attorney or tax advisor — One of the most important conclusions from this discussion is this: A 1031 exchange is a complicated tax method, and there are some instances where there may be some murky area. It’s critical to understand that even if you hire an excellent skilled intermediary, their responsibility is not to provide tax advice. As a result, having an experienced tax professional to advise you through the 1031 exchange process and the process of submitting your tax return once the exchange is complete is critical.

In the end, a 1031 exchange can be an effective tax strategy for experienced real estate investors, but it’s not an easy process. Before you undertake a 1031 exchange in your portfolio, be sure you understand the process and obtain the advice of knowledgeable and experienced professionals.

Canceling the 1031 Exchange

It is possible to cancel an exchange, although the cost and timing differ from facilitator to facilitator. The problem with exchange termination is the concept of constructive receipt, and the taxpayer must not have actual or constructive receipt of the exchange profits under Section 1031. The exchange mechanism may not be defendable if a taxpayer can request and receive payments at any moment.

As a result, an exchange can be terminated at any of the following times:

Any time before the relinquished property sale closes.

After the 45th day, and only after you’ve bought all of the property, you’re allowed to under Section 1031 requirements, you can sell it.

After the 180th day has passed.

Is it a Good Idea to Have a Triple Net Lease?

Triple net leases have advantages for both renters and landlords. A tenant has more flexibility with their structure; they can personalise their area for more brand consistency without having to spend the money on a purchase. Another benefit is that these leases are usually fairly flexible: tax rises, insurance increases, and so on. Triple net leases can be a solid source of income for landlords with little overhead expenditures. In addition, the landlord is not required to participate actively in the property’s management.

Is it Possible to Negotiate a Triple Net Lease?

Almost all responsibility lies on the tenant under a triple net lease. The tenant is responsible for paying rent as well as all of the property’s overhead costs, such as taxes, insurance, running expenses, and utilities. As a result, the base rental rate may become a crucial negotiating point. Because the tenant is shouldering the burden of the landlord’s overhead, they may be able to negotiate a lower basic rental rate. Tenants can also discuss which components of repair costs and/or utilities the landlord is accountable for in some situations.

What Is the Difference Between a Triple Net Lease and a Net Lease?

A net lease is one in which the tenant pays a portion or all of the property’s taxes, insurance, and maintenance costs in addition to the base rent. In commercial real estate, net leases are often employed. Single net leases, double net leases, and triple net leases are the three basic types of net leasing. A renter pays one of three expense categories when they sign a single net lease: taxes, maintenance, and insurance. A renter agrees to pay two of the three expense categories when they sign a double net lease.

What is the difference between a triple net lease and a gross lease?

A tenant must pay rent as well as all property operating costs under the terms of a triple net lease. A commercial tenant pays some, but not all, of the operating costs under the terms of a gross modified lease.

What Are Triple Net Leases and How Do They Work?

A commercial property owner leases a building or space to a tenant under a triple net lease. Instead of paying the entire rent amount for taxes, insurance, and common area maintenance (CAM), the renter pays an equal share depending on square footage. This is in contrast to standard commercial lease agreements, which either make the landlord accountable for these expenditures or pass them on to the tenants at a higher rate and with fewer options.

In what circumstances is a NNN lease most likely to be used?

If you’re looking to sign a long-term lease of more than ten years in a freestanding commercial building, you’ll most likely come across a triple net lease. There’s also a good chance your business will be the building’s primary occupant.

What is the formula for calculating a triple net lease?

The amount of a triple net lease can be determined in a variety of ways. Landlords may sometimes tally up all of a building’s property taxes, insurance, maintenance costs, and common area costs and divide the amount by 12. The monthly cost is represented by this number. When a building is leased by only one tenant, the process is simpler. Typically, the monthly base rental cost is computed using a rate per square foot.

In a triple net lease, what is the landlord's responsibility?

With a triple net lease, the tenant is responsible for the majority of the costs associated with the commercial property. However, the roof and structure, as well as the parking lot, may be the responsibility of the landlord.

What exactly is the NNN fee?

In a NNN lease, tenants pay additional expenses to the landlord or lessor in addition to the lease fee. The NNN fees for a building include property taxes, insurance, and common area maintenance (CAM). Property maintenance, landscaping, site improvements, security, taxes, common utilities, insurance payments, and repairs are typically covered by the NNN charge.

Is the management charge included in the NNN?

Almost certainly not. In a typical “triple-net” lease, the tenant is responsible for all costs associated with the property, including property taxes and insurance, maintenance, and utilities, leaving the owner with no out-of-pocket payments.

What other options do you have?

A triple net lease is the polar opposite of a gross lease. Property taxes, insurance, and building maintenance are all paid for by the landlord. To offset these additional costs, the tenant’s monthly rent is much higher. A gross lease may stipulate that the renter is responsible for all utilities.

In shopping complexes, percentage leases are more complicated, although they are popular. They can operate in one of four ways: percentage of gross sales, monthly rent plus percentage of gross sales, the greater of a set monthly rent or a designated percentage of sales, or a low fixed rent with a graded proportion of sales.


A net lease is a type of real estate contract in which the tenant pays one or more additional expenses, usually for commercial rental properties. Single, double, and triple net leases are the three fundamental types of net leasing. A triple net lease requires the tenant to cover all of the property’s costs, including real estate taxes, building insurance, and maintenance. These payments are in addition to rent and utility expenses. Because the tenant assumes more of the property’s expenses, triple net leases sometimes offer a cheaper base rent rate. Step-up leases and ground leases can be contrasted to net leases.

With a step-up lease, the rental agreement specifies future price increases over the term of the lease. Step-up leases shield landlords from the dangers of inflation or a rising market in long-term leases. Ground leases allow tenants to develop a piece of land during the term of the lease. The land and its improvements are then turned over to the property owner/landlord at the end of the lease period.